13922/BOX = 12 x 13922 ARI-CARE


Ariete have developed and produced the ARI-CARE line which can be used to extend the life of your ARI– original XNBR elastomer fork oil seals. Made to enhance the durability, smoothness, and overall performance of your seals. ARI-CARE is made up of two products made for specific jobs. For best results, you need to make sure all mud, sand etc are removed from the forks, then follow these two easy steps:


Pour just a few drops of STEP 1 cleaner onto a clean cloth, then wipe evenly over the fork stems and fork seals to remove any impurities.

STEP2: PROTECTION and TREATMENT of rubber parts.

  1. Place the spout of STEP 2 sachet in contact with the oil seals and squeeze out a few drops onto the rubber surface, then spread evenly across the rubber part. Remove any excess with a clean cloth.
  2. Repeat the above step on the fork stems.

Protector helps protect the rubber from general wear and tear caused by weather or chemicals in cleaners etc as well as preventing any surface cracking on the seals. This product, and process creates a protective film around the seals and on the fork stems, extending the life of your seals and enables a flawless performance for a much longer period. The molecular property of this film not only protects the surface, but also helps in preventing any impurities sticking to the seals or fork stem. It also helps lubricate your forks, meaning decreased friction between metal and rubber, improving your riding experience.

SKU: 13922 Category: Tags: , , , ,



COD. 13922 made by Super Help srl – 21100 VARESE – ITALY,  Ph: +39 347 4650120 – [email protected]

STEP1: 75 ml FORK CLEANER:  UFI: RP62-U0S5-3009-U152 



STEP1 Dansk – Norwegian – DK-NO ADVARSEL:

Forårsager alvorlig øjenirritation.

Hvis der er brug for lægehjælp, medbring da beholderen eller etiketten.

Opbevares utilgængeligt for børn.

Bær beskyttelseshandsker/beskyttelsestøj/øjenbeskyttelse/ansigtsbeskyttelse.

VED KONTAKT MED ØJNENE: Skyl forsigtigt med vand i flere minutter. Fjern eventuelle kontaktlinser, hvis dette kan gøres let. Fortsæt skylning.

Ved vedvarende øjenirritation: Søg lægehjælp.

STEP2 Dansk – Norwegian – DK-NO ADVARSEL:

Opbevares utilgængeligt for børn.



Veroorzaakt ernstige oogirritatie.

Bij het inwinnen van medisch advies, de verpakking of het etiket ter beschikking houden.

Buiten het bereik van kinderen houden.

Draag beschermende handschoenen/beschermende kleding/oogbescherming/gelaatsbescherming.

BIJ CONTACT MET DE OGEN: voorzichtig afspoelen met water gedurende een aantal minuten; contactlenzen verwijderen, indien mogelijk; blijven spoelen.

Bij aanhoudende oogirritatie: een arts raadplegen.


Buiten het bereik van kinderen houden.



Ärsyttää voimakkaasti silmiä.

Jos tarvitaan lääkinnällistä apua, näytä pakkaus tai varoitusetiketti.

Säilytä lasten ulottumattomissa.

Käytä suojakäsineitä/suojavaatetusta/silmiensuojainta/kasvonsuojainta.

JOS KEMIKAALIA JOUTUU SILMIIN: Huuhdo huolellisesti vedellä usean minuutin ajan. Poista mahdolliset piilolinssit, jos sen voi tehdä helposti. Jatka huuhtomista.

Jos silmä-ärsytys jatkuu: Hakeudu lääkäriin.


Säilytä lasten ulottumattomissa



Działa drażniąco na oczy.

W razie konieczności zasięgnięcia porady lekarza należy pokazać pojemnik lub etykietę.

Chronić przed dziećmi.

Stosować rękawice ochronne/odzież ochronną/ochronę oczu/ochronę twarzy.

W PRZYPADKU DOSTANIA SIĘ DO OCZU: Ostrożnie płukać wodą przez kilka minut. Wyjąć soczewki kontaktowe, jeżeli są i można je łatwo usunąć. Nadal płukać.

W przypadku utrzymywania się działania drażniącego na oczy: Zasięgnąć porady/zgłosić się pod opiekę lekarza.


Chronić przed dziećmi.


STEP1 Portuguese – PT ATENÇÃO:

Provoca irritação ocular grave.

Se for necessário consultar um médico, mostre-lhe a embalagem ou o rótulo.

Manter fora do alcance das crianças.

Usar luvas de proteção/vestuário de proteção/proteção ocular/proteção facial.

SE ENTRAR EM CONTACTO COM OS OLHOS: Enxaguar cuidadosamente com água durante vários minutos. Se usar lentes de contacto, retire-as, se tal lhe for possível. Continue a enxaguar.

Caso a irritação ocular persista: consulte um médico.

STEP2 Portuguese – PT ATENÇÃO:

Manter fora do alcance das crianças.


STEP1 Swedish  – SV VARNING:

Orsakar allvarlig ögonirritation.

Ha förpackningen eller etiketten till hands om du måste söka läkarvård.

Förvaras oåtkomligt för barn.

Använd skyddshandskar/skyddskläder/ögonskydd/ansiktsskydd.

VID KONTAKT MED ÖGONEN: Skölj försiktigt med vatten i flera minuter. Ta ur eventuella kontaktlinser om det går lätt. Fortsätt att skölja.

Vid bestående ögonirritation: Sök läkarhjälp.

STEP2 Swedish  – SV VARNING:

Förvaras oåtkomligt för barn.

Additional information


Sandro Mentasti Environmental Protection Program since 2007


Quality Management system according to ISO 9001:2015 and Occupational Safety Management according to ISO 45001:2018


Ariete, ARI and Harri’s products, while being of very high quality, may be subject to damage in case of impact or accident. Before using Ariete, Ari or Harri’s products, please carefully read the instructions for use and installation. Sandro Mentasti Srl makes every effort to ensure that the information contained in this catalogue is correct and easy to understand, with some information specific to individual products, but accepts no responsibility for any misinterpretation. If you should require any further information, regarding assembly and/or conditions for use, please contact Sandro Mentasti Srl by e-mail at [email protected]. In any event, Sandro Mentasti Srl is not liable for any damage to property and/or persons caused during the use of its products, and neither for any damage resulting from incorrect use and/or use other than that for which the product was originally intended, and damage resulting from assembly errors and/or incorrect installation. Sandro Mentasti Srl manufactures its products directly, and markets them with the ARIETE, ARI and HARRI’S brands. The use contained within the catalogues of any original product codes bearing brands other than those mentioned above is intended as merely descriptive, as well as the possible use of trademarks and / or names of other manufacturers (for example, PIAGGIO®, HONDA®, YAMAHA®, SUZUKI®, KAWASAKI®, BMW®, VESPA®, KYMCO®) which Sandro Mentasti Srl is in no way connected. The only purpose of this use is to describe the accessory and/or the part.

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