Between saying it and doing it, there is metal!
Innovating means travelling new paths to “re-think” products and processes, improving functional perfomances and optimizing the production cost.
Metal Replacement is one of the greatest chanllenge for manufacturing company, as well as the opportunity to design products with the aid of technopolymers with very high mechanical performamance that actually allow to replace metal, obtain better product performance and optimize production costs.
The elements to face this “safe driving” challenge are complex, multiple and require solid skills that cannot be improvised.
Sandro Mentasti Srl has developed and tested over time an effective method to support the customer in the possible choices of Metal Replacement.
Why undertake a path aimed at Metal Replacement?
- Product unit cost reduction
- Cost stability of the raw material
- Weight reduction
- Greater precision in complex machining
- Less wear on equipment
- Energy saving
- Lower environmental impact
Are you considering replacing metal parts with plastic or rubber elements?
Contact us and request the technical support of the Mentasti Team.